Love and Dixie cups.

    I like your shoes

I like your style

youre kinda funny

you make me smile

I’ll say you’re pretty

what’s your number

 we’ll text each other back and forth

smiley faces and lols

and we can take a trip if you want

because I like to spend time with you

my jokes arent funny but still they have a certain charm

I went to school right over there

that’s cool

that’s a pretty sunset you said

but I knew you were thinking of someone else

but I’m not alarmed

thats just life

things just change

you’ll get bored and i’ll get bored

love never really lasts

like dixie cups that get used once

then tossed away in the trash

One thing.

Though I tend to keep my pontifications to myself, I thought I would share one of my life’s philosophies with the rest of the world. While I’m sure you’re expecting Socrates or Sartre, it’s actually stolen from a scene in the movie “City Slickers.”

The movie centers around Billy Crystal’s character Mitch, who is suffering from a midlife crises. He is “roped” into a cattle drive vacation with his friends (pun intended, i’m just that good) who are all suffering various challenges of their own. 

Somewhere halfway through the movie, Mitch has an exchange with Curly, played by Jack Palance, on the secret to life:

Curly: Do you know what the secret of life is?
[holds up one finger] This.
Mitch: Your finger?
Curly: One thing. Just one thing. You stick to that and the rest don’t mean s***.
Mitch: But, what is the “one thing?”

Curly: That’s what you have to find out.

Now this probably seems like a pretty simple concept, but for someone who has spent most of his life wondering what to do, it has helped me tremendously to focus on what matters to me, and to let everything else slide. It can be applied to anything in your life. Find your passion. Focus on it. Nurture it. Lean on it.

P.S. The rest of the movie kind of sucks.

And now, words from other people.

“Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” – Ernest Hemingway.

” We turned at a dozen paces, for love is a duel” – Jack Kerouac, On the Road.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”
Anaïs Nin
“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”
Robert A. Heinlein
“Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.”
Charles Bukowski
“A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.”
Mark Twain
“But whenever I meet dynamic, nonretarded Americans, I notice that they all seem to share a single unifying characteristic: the inability to experience the kind of mind-blowing, transcendent romantic relationship they perceive to be a normal part of living. And someone needs to take the fall for this. So instead of blaming no one for this (which is kind of cowardly) or blaming everyone (which is kind of meaningless), I’m going to blame John Cusack.”
Chuck Klosterman, Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto
“Mutual caring relationships require kindness and patience, tolerance, optimism, joy in the other’s achievements, confidence in oneself, and the ability to give without undue thought of gain.”
Fred Rogers, The World According to Mister Rogers
“Next to music beer was best.”
Carson McCullers, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter
“Hate the sin, love the sinner.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Sometimes, I feel like a little like Ol’ Chuck. This close to kicking the football, just to have it jerked out from under me at the last minute. But I like to think that Charlie Brown is really the Everyman’s hero. The average guy, seeking victory, only to snatch it from the jaws of defeat. Chuck doesn’t always win the game. Chuck doesn’t always get the girl. But Chuck doesn’t give up, he just keeps on trying despite the odds.

So here’s to Charlie Brown. And every guy (and girl) with a little bit of Charlie Brown in ’em.


5 random things I learned on Valentines Day week.

Whoopidy Dooo!

1. No matter how hard you try to retain your professionalism, you will inevitably laugh at “Funny Bunny.” And just as inevitably, you will be summoned to the principals’ office.

2. No matter how much you pretend it doesn’t matter, no matter how much you pretend to hate the inconvenience of buying oversized Teddy Bears and hokey greeting cards, no matter how much of a commercialized marketing holiday designed to boost the mid February economy it might be…being single on Valentine’s Day kind of sucks.

3. No matter how sad you are on Valentine’s Day, by the end of the day you will realize that there are more important things in life. Like having a Mother and Father who are still alive and healthy, a 6-year-old daughter that amazes you, a job with people you mostly enjoy, friends that you can mostly count on, and a little puppy that unconditionally loves you.

4. Bacon is still really good. That’s not something I “learned” this week, but in a way the most important discoveries are the ones we’ve made and long since forgot about.

5. I learned that what “they” say is true.

 “If it is right, it happens—The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.”

John Steinbeck

My Favorite Things

I was thinking to myself the other day; “Self, you and Oprah have so much in common. You should host a talk show and then start your own female oriented network/magazine/media empire.” NBC hasn’t gotten back to me yet, but I’m actively seeking investors. Email me if you’re interested. But anyways, in the meantime I decided to make a list of my favorite things, much like her annual special.

Without much further ado, here be my list:

Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum. My go-to drink when I want to act reckless and impulsive. Otherwise known as roughly every Friday night since April 20, 2002.

Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry. I like my Diet Pepsi like I like my women. Wild and Cherry??? Nevermind…

Old Spice Fiji Deodarant. I’m a simple man. I don’t know much about women. I don’t know if they have a secret list of what they want or desire in a man. But I suspect if they do, “smelly” didn’t make the cut.

Smart Water. The thing about Smart Water that differentiates it from most bottled waters is the convenient nipple shaped dispenser. I’ll let you decide what that means.

Ben & Jerry Phish Food. Somedays I just wanna lay around in my fat pants and drown my sorrows in the sweet, sweet nectar of ice cream.

Italian Hero deli subs from Walmart. No strange psychological undertones here…Like all other men, I just enjoy really big sandwiches with lots of meat. Once again, nevermind…

Altoids Cinnamon Mints. I don’t know why I like the sensation of my mouth being on fire. But I do.

Bracelets – I’m not particularly “macho” if you haven’t caught on. I think my penchant for wearing braided jewelry probably confirms that fact.

Jack in the Box Tacos – Simply put, the best thing you can put in your mouth for under .99 cents, when you’re drunk after 1am. I know what you’re thinking. Don’t ask.

Chick-Fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich with cheese. I love all things Chick-Fil-A, but especially these sandwiches that must be made from chickens that God raises in heaven, and then sends down as Chicken Angels to sacrifice themselves for the world, so that we may know what heaven tastes like in our mouths. And when that still wasn’t quite good enough, they added cheese on top of it. Because the only think that tastes better than divine chicken, is divine chicken covered in pepperjack cheese.

Taylor Swift songs. Once again ignoring the fact that I am a comfirmed heterosexual male, I must admit that I have an irrational love of Taylor Swift songs. I do not find her cute. I do not find her songs to be lyrically complex. I do not find anything about her to be anything other than a carefully packaged pop superstar.And NO ONE dislikes pop country music more than me. Yet I find myself openly sing her songs aloud in public. Which makes me think there is some sort of subliminal manipulation going on in her songs. Where is Jesse Ventura when you need him???

Spinch Alfredo Pizza – If I ever had a man card, I’d have to turn in here. I did not willingly choose to eat pizza covered in Spinach and Cheese. However, because I’m a boy, and I will do anything a pretty girl asks and or tells me to do, I reluctantly ordered it. And thoroughly enjoyed it.

My Revised New Year’s Resolutions or 2012: Who gives a sh*t, the world is going to end anyways.

It’s that time of year again. Resolutions, Resolutions, Resolutions. Human beings as a species desire to build, to construct, to innovate, and to achieve. It’s how we judge our mortality. And perhaps that’s why symbolically, at the end of one year and the beginning of the next, we naturally take stock of our lives and decide to make improvements. A fresh start we often say. Nevermind that the 1st of the year is a completely arbitrary time to start living the life you want to live.

 Perhaps you want to lose weight. Save money. Finish your degree. Make new friends. Buy a house. Run a marathon. Most of us do it. Most of our lists look the same. Even I, the anti-cliche, get sucked into this herd mentality every year. I make a list. Usually an Excel spread sheet. But I digress. And much to my dismay, one week in and 100% percent of my resolutions have, to paraphrase philosopical pugilist Michael Tyson, “faded into Bolivian.”

Why is this? I don’t know. So instead of trying to get back on track, I say let’s just lower the bar. My personal motto for the year: Lowered Expectations.

 In lieu of any actual enlightment or encouragement, I present to you a revised, shall we say more…realistic set of resolutions to reset the year of 2012. Noteworthy of course for the impending Mayan apocalypse. Which I frankly welcome, because a slow, but inevitable death from Scotch and boredom hardly seems befitting for an impuslive guy like me.

So in no particular order:

I hope to drink  less Diet Soda, which I believe may actually be killing me. Seriously, two or three times a month I wake up with an dull aching sensation in my kidneys. Which is may or may not be due to them shutting down. There’s no proof either way, because I refuse to visit the doctor. Honestly, if there really are chemicals in Diet drinks that cause cancer, I’m f*cked. There’s no way around it. But I’ll be damned if I could go a day without one. Fortunately, besides my frequent sweet tooth binges, it’s pretty much my one vice. I stay away from cigarettes, drugs, and for the most part booze.

I will watch MORE tv. This of course goes against the grain a little. I have to be upfront here. I watch LESS tv than most people I know. I go entire days without actively watching anything on tv. I also stay entirely more stressed out than any other person I know. Now, I am aware that correlation does not necessarily imply causation, but I figure what the hell. Maybe I need to escape from reality a little more this year. A few of the shows on my list to catch up on: It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Dexter, Homeland, Wilfred, & The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, & The Big Bang Theory. I also keep meaning to catch Modern Family, but I just don’t know if I have time. Noticeably absent from the list: Toddlers and Tiaras. Let’s just say that I am not a fan of flippers.

Learn to play the guitar. This one seems like a typical, lofty resolution that won’t go anywhere, but I’ve actually made a smidgen of progress here thanks to the amazing…ly expensive game Guitarsmith. But seriously, I highly recommend it. It’s very intuitive, very fun, and also does a pretty good job at making learning the guitar fun. Who says art has to be a labor of love.

Play a LOT of golf. Once again…we’re’ all gonna die in 11 months. Do I really want to spend my days doing something productive when I can zone out and enjoy slamming my golf club to the ground in frustration as I hit another errant tee shot that buzzes past someone’s head? Hint: The answer is no.

Listen to more music. Nothing creates more joy for me than discovering a new band, or a new song, or even an old song that I had forgotten. As more than a few people could attest, I have a new favorite song of all time about once a month. And I like it that way. My top pick for 2011?  Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. Do not judge me. 

I will take more pictures, and write more stupid blog postings. Look, I’m not naive. My writing sucks, relatively speaking. My pictures suck, period speaking. But at the end of the day, they make me happy. I have a horrible habit of ripping anything I do to shreds, as if I should be judging my writings next to Hemingway, or my pictures next to Ansel Adams. It’s not only unfair, it’s ridiculously self-defeating. If people only pursued things they were masters of, they’d never pursue anything at all. Unless you’re Beethoven in front of a piano, or Picasso with a paintbrush, you’re not going to be transcedent. I’ve come to accept that lack of perfection does not equal failure. Or I should say, I’m TRYING to accept that concept.